Our Story
Hamilton-Gibson Productions began in 1991 with little else but a clear vision and purpose: we wanted to create a space where the arts could flourish...a place where people, from children to senior citizens, could tap into new areas of their lives and in so doing be enriched and empowered. Tioga County has a long tradition of community performing arts. The first judge in Wellsboro, John Bannister Gibson used his log-cabin courtroom which faced the Green to play his fiddle and host dances after hours. The Bache Auditorium served as the focal point not only for performing arts such as concerts and theatre experiences, but also as a location for conferences, conventions and civic gatherings. A Community Band played (and still does) during the summer on the Green. Mansfield hosted a summer theatre under a tent drawing large crowds and providing arts experiences for many local participants.
Since Hamilton-Gibson began, we have endeavored to enrich and enhance that tradition. We want to create a space for creativity...a space where all generations could find a safe place to be vulnerable, to explore, to create, to try new things...all generations...very young and very old. A community space. A space that is uniquely Tioga County. A grass-roots entity, so to speak, comprised of local people, people who live and work here...some were born here, some transplanted. A community space.
At first, we didn't even have a name. We met in a former farm implement garage midway between Mansfield and Wellsboro. We power blasted layers of oil off the floor and walls, we created a makeshift stage, and we bought a few lights. We held auditions for our first production of THE MIRACLE WORKER. People turned up for the auditions...some we knew, some were complete strangers.
That summer we worked for a name. Two women, Alma Roxie Hamilton and Clara Louise Gibson, were creative people. They were educators, musicians, artists. They loved children and exploring new things. We decided to incorporate all that they embodied in our name...so we began with Hamilton-Gibson.
We held a contest to create a logo. Jeansylvia Anderson created the simple design that incorporates theatrical comedy and tragedy masks-one looking down and one looking up; the two women - Hamilton and Gibson, the tree image incorporates the sense of heritage: roots, branches, intergenerational, our past, our future.
We began with two productions in the summer of 1991 - each three performances. The next year we expanded to three productions with six performances each. We began to explore other potential sites and developed relationships with local churches, the county courthouse, the chamber of commerce, Mansfield University, and the other school districts and private schools in the county.
Over the years our theatrical programming has expanded so that we are now producing multiple main-stage productions per year. Besides the main-stage productions we have developed other programming opportunities. In 2001 we began our ACTING UP group: theatre experiences for senior citizens. We have held ten-minute play festivals; Summer Fringe Festivals; trips to the Stratford Shakespeare Festival and the Shaw Festival in Ontario; Shakespeare in the School performances; traveling shows in elementary schools; winter and summer theatre arts camps for kids.
Our first performance during the school year was a moving exploration of the children of Terezin in Czechoslovakia with a cast of over 65 area children. Seeing the incredible response of these children to some very challenging music, we saw the need for an outlet for young singers. We began the HG Children's Choir.
Throughout the years we have been fortunate to develop relationships and partnerships with many different groups, businesses and individuals. Our sponsor list continues to grow. We participate in the Children's Health Fair & Family Day. We have developed active and vital partnerships with all three school districts. The several Tioga County foundations have been huge contributors, as well as the United Fund. Mansfield University has worked closely with us in performance opportunities, and venues providing clinics and workshops contributing to performances. We are also members of the Chambers of Commerce in Tioga County, Visit Potter-Tioga PA, as well as the American Association of Community Theatres.
At first, we didn't even have a name. We met in a former farm implement garage midway between Mansfield and Wellsboro. We power blasted layers of oil off the floor and walls, we created a makeshift stage, and we bought a few lights. We held auditions for our first production of THE MIRACLE WORKER. People turned up for the auditions...some we knew, some were complete strangers.
That summer we worked for a name. Two women, Alma Roxie Hamilton and Clara Louise Gibson, were creative people. They were educators, musicians, artists. They loved children and exploring new things. We decided to incorporate all that they embodied in our name...so we began with Hamilton-Gibson.
We held a contest to create a logo. Jeansylvia Anderson created the simple design that incorporates theatrical comedy and tragedy masks-one looking down and one looking up; the two women - Hamilton and Gibson, the tree image incorporates the sense of heritage: roots, branches, intergenerational, our past, our future.
We began with two productions in the summer of 1991 - each three performances. The next year we expanded to three productions with six performances each. We began to explore other potential sites and developed relationships with local churches, the county courthouse, the chamber of commerce, Mansfield University, and the other school districts and private schools in the county.
Over the years our theatrical programming has expanded so that we are now producing multiple main-stage productions per year. Besides the main-stage productions we have developed other programming opportunities. In 2001 we began our ACTING UP group: theatre experiences for senior citizens. We have held ten-minute play festivals; Summer Fringe Festivals; trips to the Stratford Shakespeare Festival and the Shaw Festival in Ontario; Shakespeare in the School performances; traveling shows in elementary schools; winter and summer theatre arts camps for kids.
Our first performance during the school year was a moving exploration of the children of Terezin in Czechoslovakia with a cast of over 65 area children. Seeing the incredible response of these children to some very challenging music, we saw the need for an outlet for young singers. We began the HG Children's Choir.
Throughout the years we have been fortunate to develop relationships and partnerships with many different groups, businesses and individuals. Our sponsor list continues to grow. We participate in the Children's Health Fair & Family Day. We have developed active and vital partnerships with all three school districts. The several Tioga County foundations have been huge contributors, as well as the United Fund. Mansfield University has worked closely with us in performance opportunities, and venues providing clinics and workshops contributing to performances. We are also members of the Chambers of Commerce in Tioga County, Visit Potter-Tioga PA, as well as the American Association of Community Theatres.